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Servicemember & Veteran Program

Our Mission: The Mission of Operation New Uniform (ONU) is to empower *Servicemembers, Veterans, and Military Spouses to successfully transition from military life to purposeful, stable careers.

Our Vision: At Operation New Uniform (ONU), our vision is to empower confident graduates who are coveted and embraced by the community.

How is ONU different?

To empower graduates, we leverage the highly successful Sandler Training program and enhance its award-winning results by providing transition-specific supportive services. These services include personalized coaching and mentoring, life skills workshops, networking, resume building, etc.

What are you waiting for?

At ONU, we realize you may have experienced other transition programs, but our program is different. Nearly 100% of our graduates find employment within four months. More importantly, graduates become part of the ONU family forever.

Your journey, your way:

In-Person: Operation New Uniform we offer in-person transition training at our Jacksonville headquarters, and at our Tampa satellite office. Each class has a maximum of 15 participants which allows for a highly personalized experience. Coursework takes place during the day for students and is led by our Sandler-certified program staff.

Online (Self-Paced): We developed this option for students who require an online, self-paced option due to their schedules. This option has a definitive start and end date, with milestone dates.

Application Requirements: Servicemember: Proof of separation date; Veterans: Proof of an Honorable Discharge (DD214)

Fees: There are no fees.

*Servicemembers: Active Duty, National Guard, and Reservists.